Winter 2022

Activity Transportation and Flexibility of House Bill 300

By Matt Komac, MSGIA Assistant Director for Property & Liability Pool Operations, and Kris Goss, MTSBA Director of Policy Services/Senior Counsel

What effect does the passing of HB 300 have on activity transportation?

A district may use a passenger vehicle to transport students to or from school-sponsored functions or activities. A district may NOT use a passenger vehicle for purposes of transporting students to or from school on a regular bus route. A “passenger vehicle” is defined as one that a) is designed to transport 8-15 passengers, b) is the size and style of vehicle necessary to meet the needs of the district, and, c) is insured in accordance with the minimum coverage requirements established in 20-10-109. Read more

Avoiding Auto Accidents

By Harry Cheff, Risk Management Associate

Most automobile accidents are avoidable, and the causes can often be traced to a few common factors, including distracted driving, driving too fast, following a vehicle too closely, poor weather conditions, and operating a vehicle that has not been properly maintained, to name but a few. Personally, when I think back on the accidents I’ve been involved in, I can honestly say that nearly all were avoidable, had I only followed (though not too closely, if you know what I mean) the advice I’m about to share with you. Read more

What is MAP-21 and How can MSGIA Be of Assistance?

By Shawn Bubb, Director of Insurance Services, Annette Satterly, Risk Management Associate, and School Bus Safety Company

The Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration (FMSCA) has issued new regulations regarding training for school bus drivers who are first-time CDL holders. Referred to as Moving Ahead for Progress 2021, or MAP-21, the new regulations apply to all locations that train school bus drivers who require a Class A or Class B CDL License. Any driver receiving a CDL after February 7, 2022, will need to follow these stringent new regulations and will thus require additional training. Read more

Slips, Trips, and Falls

By Kevin Bartsch, Assistant Director, Workers Compensation Pool Operations

Even though winter was a bit delayed in its arrival this year, recent storms have now provided us with snowfall over nearly all of the state.  So, it is a good time to once again discuss the important topic of preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls in the workplace. We can avoid many of these injuries – along with most of the financial costs and the related toll on morale, productivity, and human resources – if we take the necessary measures to identify and reduce the causes of these all-too-common accidents. Read more